Believe it

This is someone’s will
created by The Dark Lusciferre

Someone like me is not match for you
But I come for someone will
At that time I really not mad at you
Maybe in that time I just like a “FOOL”

It’s doesn’t mean I want to hurt your heart
Maybe same like that “someone”
That someone want the best from you
Sure, I believe..

Although… I really don’t know who is that “someone”
But, I can feel that someone want to tell me this..
Life isn’t perfect enough
For me, for you, and for that “someone”

But, who know if someday we get what we want?
Life are tough, for me too
But this doesn’t mean that we are give up with time
We fight that, and don’t let ourselves get devoured

Every single of my tear
Has been I give to my every single of story
And sometime my smile and my feeling are not become one
Smile but inside my heart I was crying

But, this isn’t the last hope
I’m sure we still have so much of hopes
From people around us
And from people that loving you…

Lagu Biologi BAB Sistem Pencernaan Kelas XI

Arr : Azza

Sistem pencernaan 2x

Mengubah zat makanan
Menjadi sari-sari
Dimulai dari mulut
Berakhir di anus
Pada pencernaan…

Berdasarkan prosesnya
Ada dua macam
Pencernaan mekanis
Dan juga kimiawi
Mekanis oleh gigi
Kimiawi dengan enzim
Dan kelenjar pencernaan
Menghasilkan enzim

Sistem pencernaan 2x

(sistem pencernaan) #backing vocal
Usus halus-besar(usus)-rektum…
(berakhir di anus) #backing vocal

Sistem pencernaan 2x

Mengubah zat makanan
Menjadi sari-sari
Dimulai dari mulut
Berakhir di anus
Pada pencernaan…

Berdasarkan prosesnya
Ada dua macam
Pencernaan mekanis
Dan juga kimiawi
Mekanis oleh gigi
Kimiawi dengan enzim
Dan kelenjar pencernaan
Menghasilkan enzim

Sistem pencernaan 2x

Sistem pencernaan 2x

Sistem pencernaan 2x